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Frequently Asked Questions

How do my transfer units (AP credits, college courses, etc.) that fulfill course requirements satisfy SJV PRIME+ program requirements?

UC Merced courses are highly rigorous and frequently exceed the difficulty of transferrable courses. It is essential for SJV PRIME+ students to experience this level of rigor to ensure their success in medical school. 

The SJV PRIME+ MedEd Core course requirements are strongly recommended to be taken at UC Merced. Students with AP/College credits for a particular course (e.g., Calculus) may opt to repeat that course at UC Merced or select a higher-level course in that field (e.g., Multi-Variable Calculus, Linear Algebra). However, students may not use AP/College credits to be exempt from any MedEd Core or UC Merced required courses.  

Please refer to the “Transfer Unit Protocol” for more information.

What is Introduction to Medical Learning (IML)?

The Introduction to Medical Learning (IML) Education Courses is a 4-year course series designed to support SJV PRIME+ students’ understanding of the health care environment, physician impact, and health inequities niche to the region – all preparing undergraduate students to be successful in medical school. Courses will cover three core themes: (1) Pre-Health Education (2) Mentorship and (3) Preparation for Student Success. 

Please find below a high-level break down by year of IML course topics: 

  • Year 1: Health Care Environment  
  • Year 2: Community Engagement and Experiential Learning 
  • Year 3: Research Skills & Methods 
  • Year 4: Medical School Preparation. 
How is Introduction to Medical Learning graded?

Introduction to Medical Learning is graded on a Pass/No Pass basis, with attendance and participation being the sole requirements for passing.

When must all requirements be met to maintain conditional acceptance to UCSF School of Medicine?

All requirements must be met by the end of the fall semester of the student’s 4th year at UC Merced.  

What is the minimum GPA required to maintain conditional acceptance to UCSF School of Medicine?

A minimum overall GPA of 3.6 in the BCPM (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics) courses and cumulative GPA is required by the end of fall semester in a student’s 4th year.  

What is the UC Merced residency requirement?

The UC Merced residency requirement must be met. This means that students must complete 24 of the last 36 units in residence in the school of the University of California in which the degree is to be earned, which in this case is UC Merced.  

Where can I find information about course deadlines for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from courses?

To stay informed about course deadlines, you are encouraged to review the Add/Drop/Withdraw grid provided each term. Additional details can be found on the Office of the Registrar’s website under the Add/Drop/Withdraw section. Please visit the following link for more information: Add/Drop/Withdraw | Office of the Registrar

Where can I find help with the registration process?

For further details regarding registration processes, including adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course, you can visit the Registration Help website provided by the Office of the Registrar. The Registration Help website offers resources and guidance to assist you with the registration process. Please visit the following link: Registration Help Page | Office of the Registrar

Will I be dismissed from the program if I fall below the GPA requirements?

The SJV PRIME+ team is dedicated to your success in the program. If a student falls below the GPA requirement, they will work together with their Pre-Health Advisors, the Student Navigator, and the School of Medicine Readiness Committee (SRC) as needed to develop a plan to support your success.

A remediation plan may be outlined, and the expectations of the student’s individual remediation plan must be followed to attempt to increase GPA to return to “Good Standing.” If a student does not meet any program requirements, including the GPA requirement, by the end of fall semester in a student’s 4th year, the student may be at-risk for dismissal from SJV PRIME+. 

How will I know if I am on track to meet the SJV PRIME+ BS/MD requirements for conditional acceptance to UCSF School of Medicine?

For more details, please refer to the “SJV PRIME+ Student Assessment Process” section for more information.

Can I graduate in less than 4 years?

No. The expectation for the SJV PRIME+ program is that students complete the program in eight years (four years baccalaureate + four years medical school).  

For more details, please refer to the “Four Year Graduation and Matriculation Process” section for more information.

What is a Living Learning Community (LLC)?

For more information about UC Merced LLCs, including specific LLCs offered and their benefits, please visit the following link: Living Learning Communities | Housing & Residence Education

In what capacity will I interact with the BS/MD Program Student Navigator?

The BS/MD Student Navigator serves as a bridge connecting students to campus services. The primary responsibility involves connecting with students regarding their academic life, campus life, student obligations, and other areas that may affect their success.

In what capacity will I interact with the Director of Pre-Health Advising/Pre-Health Advisors?

The Director of Pre-Health Advising, along with Pre-Health Advisor(s), is the primary academic advisor for students in the SJV PRIME+ program.

Where can I find more information about Pre-Health Advising at UC Merced?

For more information about Pre-Health Advising at UC Merced, including resources and services provided, please visit the following link: Home | Pre-Health Advising

Where can I find more information about the Calvin E. Bright Success Center?

For additional details about the Calvin E. Bright Success Center, including success stories and resources, please visit the following link: Calvin E. Bright Success Center | What’s Your Success Story?

What do the SJV PRIME+ Mentoring Sessions consist of?

The goal of mentoring is for students to develop a professional relationship with a faculty physician who models early doctoring skills and offers support for self-reflection. For more details, please refer to page 14 of the SJV PRIME+ Student Handbook under the section titled ‘Student Support Services and Policies’  

Will SJV PRIME+ students be able to study abroad?

The SJV PRIME+ BS/MD Program curriculum does not currently factor in time to study abroad. Requests to study abroad will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Can I declare a minor?

Declaring a minor will require advanced planning. Students interested in declaring a minor are encouraged to speak to their Pre-Health Advisor as early as possible to determine if declaring a minor is possible while completing all SJV PRIME+ program requirements.