To complete the baccalaureate portion (Years 1-4) of the SJV PRIME+ BS/MD Program, every SJV PRIME+
student is responsible for meeting all requirements and regulation of the University of California,
Merced and the SJV PRIME+ BS/MD Program. Students are expected to adhere to the conduct standards
established by UC Merced, which are detailed in:
As the responsibility for meeting degree and academic criteria lies with the student, it is strongly advised
to familiarize oneself with the requirements outlined in these resources, along with relevant information
accessible from the Office of Medical Education. The SJV PRIME+ Student Handbook serves as a guide to
support your success throughout the program, mandatory requirements, student expectations, policies,
procedures, and supportive resources provided by both the University of California, Merced and the SJV
PRIME+ BS/MD Degree Program. Please note that the information provided is subject to change.