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Pre-Health Advising/Student Navigator Meeting Requirements

First and second year students are required to attend at least two meetings per semester with the Pre-Health Advisor. During these meetings, students will discuss any personal or academic challenges and be referred to appropriate resources aimed at supporting their personal and academic success. 


Meeting Schedule Outline: Year 1 and Year 2 

Additional Meetings: Case-by-Case 

Following Year 2, students are not required to meet with the Pre-Health Advisor and Student Navigator to discuss mid-semester grades and pre-registration. Exceptions to this include the following: 

  • If a student is not meeting the SJV PRIME+ program requirements, Not in Good Standing and/or has a Remediation Plan. 
  • If a student received a B- or lower for a mid-semester grade in a given course. 
  • If a student received a B- or lower for a final grade in a given course in the previous semester. 
  • If a student did not submit a Mid-Semester Grade Form by the deadline. 
  • If a student wishes to meet with the Director of Pre-Health Advising.