Honesty, fairness and respect are essential to learning, teaching and research, and to maintaining a productive and safe campus environment. As members of our academic community and of society at large, UC Merced students are held to the high standards of conduct set by the University of California and the campus, as well as to general requirements of law. UC Merced students are expected to uphold these standards in all their academic and extracurricular activities.
UC Merced conduct procedures are intended to promote reasoned, fair, and impartial consideration of suspected student misconduct, with respect for the rights and interests of all concerned: the accused student, the reporting party and the University.
To learn more, please see the following link for additional details: Student Conduct | Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (ucmerced.edu)
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is dedicated to advancing health worldwide. As future healthcare professionals and health science researchers, UCSF students are expected to uphold high standards of behavior, particularly in ethics, judgment, and professionalism. Student conduct is considered an integral part of their academic performance.